Be an Engaged Voter!

Join Our Statewide Voter Initiative!

Join Our NCJW Florida Campaign “Together We Vote”

We want to make sure all our family and friends are voting. We are asking our members to contact friends and relatives and make sure they:

  1. Know about the voting deadlines in their county/state
  2. Register to Vote 
  3. Don’t forget the primaries
  4. Complete and mail their Absentee Ballot Application (where applicable)
  5. Fill out and mail the Absentee Ballot early (where applicable)

They can get started by signing up with

Below is sample you can use in emails to your friends and family.

Dear ____,

It is more important than ever to vote this year, even though it is not a presidential election. There are state and federal representatives and senators running for office as well as judges in many states.  Go to to be sure you are registered. If you are not, use your driver’s license to register or change any information online. You will be able to find and receive all the information you need to make your voice heard on election day.  Please request a vote-by-mail (absentee) ballot application. Complete that application and mail it as soon as possible. Once you receive your vote-by-mail (absentee) ballot, mail it in quickly.

I will gladly send you stamps and/or envelopes if you need them. TurboVote will send you a reminder to vote, so you don’t need to worry if you get busy in the fall.

If you are unsure of anything, let me know, and we will work it out together!


Together We Vote!