Take a Look-Buy a Book
Take a Look-Buy a Book
Won’t you please help by donating a new book for a child?
We are pleased to continue this project to end illiteracy in our community by providing new books for children. This year we are partnering with Children First for this initiative. You can help by purchasing and donating books for children from Pre-K to Grade 5. Sheila Birnbaum, our member, and Project Manager who founded the program, “Take a Look-Buy a Book” continues to work with the Sarasota-Manatee business community seeking donations and partnerships.
Can you imagine the smile on the faces of children receiving their very own book — many for the first time? Watch for information coming in a January e-blast about making your donation. Please know that we will accept new book donations at any time.
Contact Chair Barbara Aferiat: barbara@aferiat.com for information on ways in which you can help.